"It's not just about memorising rules and formulas; it's about developing a problem-solving mindset that will empower students throughout their studies and life."

Woman smiling in an office environment.

Hey, I’m Laura!

I studied maths at university and since then I’ve been very lucky to work in business management where I tackle practical real world maths problems every day. Together with 15 years of tutoring experience and hundreds of hours coaching students, I bring diverse experience to my sessions. Whether it's tackling algebra, geometry, calculus, or real-life applications of mathematics, I'm here to help.

Through my coaching, I help students explore the core concepts of mathematics, address any gaps in understanding, and dismantle any limiting beliefs that may have developed over time. I believe it's not just about memorising rules and formulas; it's about developing a problem-solving mindset that will empower students throughout their studies and life. Your goals become my goals, and I’ll be your biggest supporter every step of the way.

— Laura

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